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Sunday, 30 August 2015

Les coïncidences de L'Orange à Visalia

Yes, there's been a few. Who would've guessed!

First, I had the following Twitter conversation with Mlle Marianne yesterday:

Shiny sh*rt: Check.

Oboe: Check.

Now these weren't really difficult to guess... It was the last show of the US tour, and Le Monsieur has worn the Quality Street wrappers (I REFUSE to call them "shirts"!) on special occasions before. And Oboe had been sound checked for ages, so it was also not so far-fetched to assume he'd sing it at some point.

BUT. Of course there's more! Right after Oboe Concerto ("There's a song I can't stand, and it's stuck in my head..."), he sang what I would call a rather odd cover - a country song called "Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way" by a Monsieur called Waylon Jennings. I've never heard of him, but then again all I know about Country Music is that it annoys me enough to instantly hop away when I hear it. Yes yes yes, Johnny Cash deserves respect, but I digress. So here's a video of Jenning's Hank, sung by The Moz:

Hmmm! Just a couple of days after I had published my TWo Peaks parody, of course Twin Peaks was still drifting around in my mind. Not enough though to notice the coincidence, but thankfully, Mlle Jaz is a bit more conscious and reminded me that there's a Twin Peaks character called... Hank Jennings! Professional criminal and sleazebag  - here chewing on his talisman, a domino with... a double 3:

To be honest, that BBC Culture Show ferret always reminded me of him:

I'll leave it up to you to decide whether Fruit is talking bollocks again or not, but I'm certainly fas-ci-na-ted. And now off to watch the Visalia show in full, as Monsieur baby j was again so kind to attend, film, and upload:


  1. Replies
    1. Only kidding my dearest silliest fruit.

      I'd take that as a sign that Alf very much enjoyed your parody then my darling Orange. And then maybe a little apology for juggling and then rolling you American cousins the week before last?
      Did rat get a sign for his diabolical parody? Non?

      Love the bint BOOZY (sic) K

    2. How rude to misspell your name like that. SCANDAL! I'm not surprised at all that Monsieur Le Rodent didn't get a sign, that'll teach him!

  2. It took you FIVE MINUTES to figure that out? Your favourite f***ing THREE got a mention!

  3. Nah I just wanted to comment at 56 minutes past ze hour. Now hop along.

  4. P.S. One dangler disappeared for the encore. No idea what it means. It might have just fallen off.

    1. P.P.S. People Are The Same Everywhere was back on the set list. I don't know why I'm mentioning it.

  5. Maybe for the only THREE of us that like it?

    1. Make that FOUR if we include Alf.

    2. Alf knows I love it too. I'm still LOL'ing over the introduction in Seattle. Gave me a great chuckle.

    3. I meant the only THREE to be you, orange and myself Marianne!

  6. Oh yes!

    Orange why THREE dots over only 2 i's?

    1. It's Fr*nch, you st*pid illiterate m*nster!

    2. I can't be expected to know such things.
      It was 17 years ago I did French. It was one of my THREE B's. But all forgotten now of course.

      I'm not multi lingual like you! I can barely RIGHT English, can I? You silly fruit.

    3. Of course you're multi-lingual! You speak English, drunken English, shit-faced English, shit-cunted English, even shit-clunged English etc. etc. etc.!

      *hops off singing* Don't wanna be a Messenger...

    4. F**king cheeky orange c**t!

      Only I can have the piss taken out of me by a fruit...
      Watch yourself my juiceable friend. The zester may take you by surprise one day soon... Maybe October?

    5. F**king cheeky orange c**t!

      Only I can have the piss taken out of me by a fruit...
      Watch yourself my juiceable friend. The zester may take you by surprise one day soon... Maybe October?

    6. That reminded me...

      *** Selling one ticket for Morrissey Cologne Palladium - standing, face value ***

    7. Really? Let me re check flights etc.

  7. I hope you don't mind if I make a small comment here on Waylon Jennings. He was much more than a country artist. He was the bass player in Buddy Holly's band for the 1959 Winter Dance Party Tour. The weather was frigid. Buddy rented a small plane (named Miss American Pie) to take him and 2 others to the next stop. Waylon Jennings was supposed to be on the plane but gave up his seat to "The Big Bopper", J.P. Richardson (who had the flu). So Waylon had to go on the tour bus. Before they left. Buddy Holly said to Waylon, "Well, I hope your ol' bus freezes up and Waylon said back "Well, I hope your ol' plane crashes." The rest is history. Imagine having to live with that on your conscience. Waylon was in rockabilly bands and was also good friends with Johnny Cash. He was part of the 70's outlaw country movement, hence "Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way." (In reference to Hank Williams) The lyrics say it all. Holly's final concert was at The Clear Lake Iowa Surf Ballroom. Morrissey was supposed to play there on his 2013 North American tour but it was cancelled due to illness. I am not sure if he had ever played there on any prior tours. Thanks and I hope this gives a small perspective.

    1. Thanks for the insight Harrison I didn't know about rhe connection to Buddy Holly. (Insert obligatory "RITCHIE!" scream here) Now that I have listened to the original song I see how Moz could associate with the lyrics (for isn't that what we do with music make it about ourselves, cater it to our internal feelings)
      Especially the lines " Lord I've seen the world with a five piece band
      Looking at the back side of me
      Singing my songs, one of his now and then.."

    2. Thanks Jjaz. Very good points about the lyrics. Waylon was Waymore than just a Country singer. He is a music legend.

    3. Your comments gave a whole new meaning, I think many things Moz does have more than one layer, but it's difficult to spot all aspects. Especially as Fruit. I'm even growing into the song now, those fake sneezes must be the British 'yeehaw'.

    4. Guys... I'm fascinated by this song after looking up the lyrics and watching his cover a bunch of times. IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE! It says so much about the music industry, today, and over the past many decades. Even though Waylon speaks of the country music scene all those years ago, it is utterly what is happening today and over the past decades in music. It's all the wealth, and the deals, and the costumes, and the videos, and the flash - but what about the content? Moz is the perfect person to cover this song, really, as he is an individual in today's music world. It's fantastic.

  8. AWhwhwhwHWHWHwhhwh........ . . ..... he reall yYY Y is SOMETTTHING! isn't he! made me smile.. . sureee it made you SMILE WIDERRRRRR R R R RR. I was a tiny weeny bit confuzzzled as to why he sang that songg . . . at first I didn't like it, but now I'm playing it on an endless Loop.. . . . . .. there's JUST SOMETHINNNNN about dat beat! I will HAVE to readdd your parady. . EXCEPT i know nothing about twin peaks.. . . . . . . jaytH-M

  9. OHH H HH HH .. .and howww he sneezesneezSNNEEEZES & clappityclaps makes the XPERIENCEEEE 10x bettterrr 4 me in that song, CAN'T STOP IT..

  10. Agree to disagree. I still love those shiny shirts.

    1. New shiny shirt doesn't quite top the green one, but they are both beautiful and need to be worn a lot more. Especially on the UK & Euro dates.
      Now that daft orange would soon change his mind if a ORANGE shiny shirt appeared....

    2. I too, love the shiny shirts, probably due to their perceived link to chocolate.
      Perhaps the white ensemble as seen at the O2 will make another appearance ?
      Comfort clothing.
